Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Another Day in Paradise

Life has certainly been busy in the Roberts household lately. It feels like we're always coming and going. Here is a break down of what has been going on:


VBS was in full swing last week at our church. The program has changed a lot since I was in it as a kid. We used to be in a classroom and then our teacher would take us to crafts, snacks, and we'd do recreation with our teacher outside, usually as part of the lesson. Of course, when I went to VBS it was usually smaller groups. This year we had nearly 200 students attend our VBS at church. Its a little hard to use the same set up with such large groups. Now-a-days, students are lead to different stations. Each station holds something, like the lesson, the craft, the memory verse, etc.

With this, Marc and I volunteered to take a couple nights to lead the lesson. I have to admit this isn't one of Marc's favorite things, but he's a good sport and went along with it. Its hard, though, to take the same lesson and apply it to 4 and 5 year olds then turn around 5 minutes later and do the same lesson for 4th and 5th graders. Nevertheless, we had fun. I just love listening to the little ones tell you stories. Some of the times they have nothing to do with the Bible lesson or church in general, but to hear the excitement in their voice made it worth it. Such energy! My favorite was probably when the little boy raised his hand to tell me that "God changed my heart so I wouldn't kick my dad anymore". Ha ha! Its too funny sometime!

Then there are the moments that make you feel like you're not doing enough. The first night the story was of Saul on the road to Damascus (forgive any spelling errors). I told them how Saul was blinded then he didn't eat for three days. I asked "Can you imagine going three days without food?" I never expected for a response other than "whoa" or "no way!" But sure enough one little boy raised his and and said "That's how it is for me when I go to my moms....She never has any food in her house." It broke my heart. I didn't even know how to respond.... Its funny who God uses to remind us that we need to continually reach out to others.

Maddie had a great time at VBS. She must have played hard, because she certainly slept well. I wish I had some pictures to post of our time there. It was overall a fun experience. And its so hard to believe that Maddie with be in the 2s and 3s room next year! Sheesh!

Home Maintenance

Marc and I have been working hard to just keep up with the mowing, not to mention the garden and the weeding around the deck, garage, etc. Its hard to do when he gets home so late from work.

But because we can't just take on normal "around the house" type projects, we've decided its time to redo our front room. Currently we use it as an office...Well, sort of...It doesn't get used that often at all. So our hope is to completely redo it by removing the paneling and carpeting, rewiring, adding a pocket door, and putting up new dry wall and new (non-green, non-smoke filled carpet)! I want it to be the new toy room! More on this topic later.

Little Bug

Our little bug is walking like crazy now. Once upon a time, she didn't want me to set her down. She wanted me to hold her 24-7....Now, she squirms and cries, basically anything she can for me to set her down. At first she wouldn't walk in places she was unsure of, like restaurants and the grocery store...Not now. Anywhere her little feet land, she goes! She saw a baby in a carrier at Don Pablo's on Saturday evening and she kept trying to walk over to it. I believe my days of flip flops are going to soon be replaced with days of tennis shoes!

Me and Maddie at a wedding reception at the Clabber Girl Museum in Terre Haute! Awesome reception for an awesome Sigma Alpha Sister! Congrats Meg and Norbert!

Well that's all the updates I have for now!

More to come...

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