Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just a Little Reminder.....

So over the last few weeks I haven't gotten much sleep. Not because of the baby. No, she sleeps wonderfully - and really, always has. I just haven't been sleeping well. This lack of sleep has made things seem overwhelming. Everything from daily chores to planned events, everything has turned into such an effort for me to do.

Well today at work has been especially stressful. I had to do a task that I loathe.....I don't know if its because its so time consuming or if its because I'm not really used to it. You know, push me out of my comfort zone and I get cranky! Well in order to avoid doing this task, I decided to tackle the tower of papers I had stacked at one end of my desk. They needed to be sorted and either filed or tossed. The whole time I'm grumbling about all the million "problems" in my life. As I get to the end of the stack I notice a paper is taped to my desk. It dawns on me that it is a paper I had taped on there a year ago. The title of the page is "You Say, GOD Says, Bible Versus". The first verse I read through all the clutter was " You say: Its impossible" "GOD says: All things are possible"

As little as that might seem to you, it really hit me hard. Here I live in an awesome country. I have a great paying job with good, Christian co-workers surrounding me. I have the most beautiful daughter in the world. I have a hard working husband and a super supportive family. Here I have so much and yet I get so worked up about the little things...

My mood is better now that I've had the simple reminder that I can offer it up to Him.

Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how God works...isn't it? I hope you get that needed sleep this evening.
